
Saying Goodbye to Duke

The circle of life is always near the forefront of ranch life. We see life begin, we see it grow, and sometimes, we see it come to an end.  Recently, we lost one of our favorite ranch hands, Duke, Randy Sue's trusty, loyal, intelligent, and loving friend.Duke was born in [...]

Beneath these Western Skies

 One of the parts of the ranch guaranteed to win you over? The western skies; they never disappoint in beauty and grandeur.   Whether it is morning, evening, sunny or rainy, the sky here is always incredible.  We love hearing kids tell their parents "Woah, look at all the stars!" [...]

Music, From the Top

The summer is upon us. The leaves on the aspen trees are turning green, the sun is warming our mountain air, and smiles are brightening our faces as we share this life with our much anticipated first group of Drowsy Water Ranch guests. We welcomed our first group of families [...]

The Somewhat Hilarious Life of Phoenix and Shooter

All winter long, the animals at Drowsy Water Ranch get a chance to be themselves and show their personality. Let me tell you, we have a lot of characters around the ranch--animals and humans both. Two of the animals with the most personality around here? The goats, Phoenix and Shooter.Usually, [...]

Howdy! Why this might be the best place ever. A list

Howdy!You'll hear this word a few times during your vacation here at Drowsy Water Ranch. We shout "howdy!" to greet you, we holler "howdy!" when we want your attention, and we simply say it in passing as we meet you walking through the ranch. The word is simple enough, but, for [...]

A Perfect Marriage Forged at DWR

The secret to a perfect marriage is here, right here, at Drowsy Water Ranch.  Yes, you better believe it, we have all the components for a perfect marriage: sweetness, softness, dependability, and fun. You jealous? The marriage also includes a lot of chocolate.  And peanut butter. Jealous now?  Huh?  Are ya?  Bet you [...]