
History of the heart

The month of love seemed an appropriate time to write a history lesson about a heart that has flown around Drowsy Water Ranch for decades. The Flying Heart Brand is the brand associated with Drowsy Water Ranch from its early days as a dude ranch. The main lodge is called [...]

JUNE-uary construction

We don't usually see what is pictured below during the month of January. Or February, and rarely March. The photo is OPEN WATER on Drowsy Water Creek, and it is as absurd as a a horse standing on two-legs. Due to an unseasonably warm January, the creek in no longer frozen. [...]

New Year, New Barn

The turning of the new year means we are now looking forward to our summer season full of friends, new guests and warm, fun-filled days. One other thing we are looking forward to is our new barn (a.k.a. The End Shop).  Ryan headed up the demolition of the old building [...]

Round ’em up

After all the guests leave the ranch for the summer we smile, sigh, and cry a little. Then we remember we still have a lot of work to do before winter, and we get back in the saddle. One of the big tasks of the fall is the gathering, hauling, [...]

Final Finale for Fall 2014

We wrapped our season here at Drowsy Water Ranch last week amid the beginnings of what is shaping up as a beautiful fall. So many great families and friends vacationed with us; we thank all of our guests for a great season.  We always value getting to know our guests and [...]