I’ve been trying to keep the blog to ranch happenings: moving cows, moving horses, the snow, the mud, the chicken, etc. etc. etc.  I know, I know, I slip in random personal facts, but I really do try to keep it focused on Drowsy Water Ranch and life in Colorado and things like that. But this week I won’t even try. Why?
Peyton had her first birthday yesterday. That’s why. I was downright overcome with emotions.  I was happy that we’ve kept her healthy this long, sad that she’s no longer a little tiny baby, happy that she can walk and be a little bit independent, and sad that we only have seventeen years until she’s entirely free. 

The one thing I kept coming back to yesterday, the one thing that kept me centered, is that Peyton gets to grow up on a ranch in Colorado.Who’d-a-thunk I’d get to stand by a cowboy and watch our babies grow up on a Dude Ranch in Colorado? Peyton sure is one lucky gal, and so are Justin and I to have her grow up here where her grandparents are close, where she can dig in the dirt and chase livestock, and where playing with kids from all over the world won’t require even one minute her car seat.  
We are blessed and we Love you Peyton, our Super-Baby!