A Thanksgiving-ish story from DWR

It's no secret that the food at Drowsy Water is a hearty affair. Something about the mountain air, the horses, the people, and the creek make you hungry here, really hungry. It's magical. That's why we get the week at DWR kicked off with a classic Thanksgiving Dinner.Every Sunday, Randy Sue starts the turkeys in the morning and Calvin (the chef) and the cooks come in and start on the rolls, stuffing, pies, etc. The day has a nice, familiar routine about it. Randy Sue has the meal down to a science: while Calvin and the cooks get the turkey carved, the pie sliced, [...]

A Thanksgiving-ish story from DWR2010-11-14T19:30:00+00:00

The Famous and Delicious DWR Cowboy Cookie

Note: Due to popular demand, we're re-posting this famous recipe which we posted originally last January! Today, we're going to discuss a very serious Drowsy Water Ranch topic.It's something that Drowsy Water Ranch guests go home talking about and something that the staff worships. It's big. Really big. It's round, it's crunchy and gooey, it's full of chocolate, and, a few hours into an all-day trip atop your trusty, four-hoofed steed, it's all you can think about. Those of you that have been a guest with us or have worked with us know what I'm referring to: The Famous and Delicious Drowsy Water Ranch [...]

The Famous and Delicious DWR Cowboy Cookie2010-09-14T21:40:00+00:00

Opening Week Howdy

Just wanted to say "Howdy!" and let you all know that we did it! Drowsy Water Ranch is now open for Ken and Randy Sue's 34th year!We may only have eight guests this week, we've been busy! Many of the horses were still out at pasture, frolicking in the Colorado sunshine. So we'd catch those doggies, load 'em in the trailer, and bring 'em home. And we've been having a lot of fun with our small crew of guests. We had a few go rafting on Tuesday, some great rides, a beautiful morning for our breakfast ride where we serve breakfast on top of [...]

Opening Week Howdy2010-06-04T18:00:00+00:00