Time for Ranch Chores with the Pink Marshmallow

I suppose most of us that grew up in colder climates went through some kind of mother-inflicted marshmallow phase during childhood. Peyton, our ranch 1 year old, is not exempt from the marshmallow rule. I always wondered what the deal with all the clothes was, but now that I have my own child to dress to go outside when it's 5 degrees, I get it. Here she is, the Pink Marshmallow!and in this shot, a sneezing pink marshmallow! Bummer timing on the shot, I guess.All decked out in multiple mommy-inflicted sweaters, coats, hats, and mittens to be out in our bitter cold weather, she [...]

Time for Ranch Chores with the Pink Marshmallow2010-01-05T23:46:00+00:00

What we do in the winter Part I: A Drowsy Water Ranch Date

You know you've been livin' in the boonies for a while when you decide you want to go on a date with your husband and you are not talking about dinner and a movie.  You're not thinking a nice stroll in the park. Your not even thinking a concert might sound fun.  You know you're a bonafide country girl when you want to go on a date with your husband and you want to go feed. What do I mean when I say "go feed"?  Well, around here the term "feed" is a verb meaning "to distribute hay to horses and/or cows".  Ranchers feed hay, [...]

What we do in the winter Part I: A Drowsy Water Ranch Date2009-01-15T18:23:00+00:00